With many families and businesses still feeling financial woes from COVID-19, The Family Life Center in partnership with Administer Justice, provides pro bono legal consultations, every 4th Saturday.
Sign up for a consultation in our scheduling app by clicking the sign up below.
Let us help you get the justice you deserve.

Due to Covid-19 we are referring all students to Daley College for adult education supports.
They currently offer online classes in GED, ESL and Citizenship Preparation. Those in need of technology, they offer laptop loaners.
If interested in classes click the link below for details on how to sign up.

Learning a musical instrument is often one of those things in life that some people which that had done. Whether you are trying to rekindle the excitement you had when you've played before or you are fulfilling a dream of learning a instrument that you wish you had, our partners MuzicNet has the program for you.
If you are interested in classes click the link below for details on how to sign up.

Financial Literacy is crucial as it equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to make strong informed decisions. Without it, the financial decisions we do make, or don't make, can potentially threaten your financial security.
Please click the link below to sign up to receive information regarding our upcoming classes.

The ARK is a start-up youth development center where children ages 7-18 will learn skills in website development, graphic arts, photography, music, app development and will take those skills and learn how to create opportunities.
If you are interested in this program, click the link below to register.

In partnership with Essential Home HealthCare Inc., Emerge Rapid Test and Optima Lab we will be providing free Covid testing Monday through Saturday with full medical staff.
If you think you may have COVID, been exposed to someone with COVID, or need a test completed before returning to work, please walk-in to our new clinic at our Life Center. No appointment necessary.